Mali Wooden Dogon Door #446

€ 283,00about 0,00 USD


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Dogon doors are made by the Dogon people from Mali. They are carved out of wood and serve to protect the people’s storage buildings or granaries. They almost all have a simple sliding door lock. But the fine sculptures on the door make the door holy and impregnable for intruders to come in.
Provenance: Private collection. F.d.G in NL / Tribal Art Treasures


  • Mid 20th century
  • Origin: Mali, Africa
  • Excellent condition
  • Ethnic group: Dogon
  • Materials: Wood
  • Weight: 1,7 kg
  • Dimensions: 36 x 3 x 52 cm
  • Amount (in stock): 1
  • Damage: None

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